Creative Consultancy

Over my career in arts and science, and with my perspective of sensitivity, I have a range of skills that others like to engage and leverage for their own advantage. As such, I have a ‘creative consultancy’ branch of my business (which is KLA Creative Ltd) and together with my graphic designer /publisher husband Jon Cheetham, we support a small number of high profile designers, entrepreneurs and influencers. Built upon on vantage sensitivity (creativity, empathy, intuition, and more) as the baseline of our work, with Jon’s extensive experience and my academic psychological insights, we offer a depth perspective on engagement to provide intuitive strategies for business identity, communication and growth.


From effective promotional copy to full publishing projects, we offer skills to meet you where you personally need it – from a complete time-saver ‘done for you’ writing and publishing service to a lighter touch of editing, shaping and guidance. You supply your meaning, sentiment and story – we supply the perfectly curated words.

Publishing & Print

Will it be a novel? Illustrated manual, artistic portfolio or children’s story? A volume of poetry, fantasy brochure, self-help guide or personal biography? Producing your own book is a must for those with an inspirational remit. In digital, audio and physical print – it is still THE declaration of your authority and intention.

Graphic Design

Rendering your visuals, branding and culture through virtual and physical artforms requires reflexive understanding of technologies. This ensures that design solutions reflect and work for you, to create captivating, lasting communications.

Brand Guidelines

Logos, company colour palettes and brand guidelines are key to distinguishing your company culture. We will develop your public image as an opportunity to invite customers and followers to align and belong to your brand.

Artistic Direction

Authenticity is central to establishing a dynamic communication of your brand. We experiment, arrange and direct bespoke photoshoots, styling, performance art pieces, product manufacture, gallery shows and exhibitions for you to connect deeply.

Websites & Social Media

From grassroots start-ups to aspiring influencers, we design the user-experience and aesthetics – and work with specialist tech partners – to build websites and support regular posting to keep your content relevant, fresh and effective across an array of platforms, all designed to promote creativity and inspiration.


From academic conference to burlesque cabaret, from book launch party to residential retreats. We have over 20 years experience in creating physical events, working with venues, entertainers, motivational speakers, technical and set logistics, and more. Creating real conversation that has lasting impact involves deep intuition, creative thinking and bold action. Consider physical (and online) events to engage your customers and fans in an intimate dynamic that will grow both your brand awareness – and personal vision.

Creative Coaching

All too often, creatives feel stuck, lost or in limbo. Even when they are highly successful already. This is a normal experience of the creative mind – but it can be extraordinarily frustrating! Our clients enjoy 1-to-1 sessions to capitalise on our unique approach to clarity, joyful momentum and rising consciousness. Get un-stuck, move beyond the blocks and let your new vision unfold.