Working one to one is the fastest and most impactful choice, for finding – and forging – your own path in life. My role is to illuminate what is unseen and overlooked about you – including by you – and guide you to create authentic personal purpose and meaning. Thus, you not only forge a new path, you also illuminate that new new path too. You can become a true guiding light in this world.
I nurture my clients to ‘wake up’ to who they really are. To leave their comfort zones, let go of limiting beliefs and inherited assumptions, explore and transcend their self-doubts, define their mission, expand their awareness and truly Create their own sustainable present and future.
There are three options, featured below for working one to one. All options also come with complemntary membership to The IF Crowd too 🙂

The work we will do is transformative in the immediate and practical – and also in the big sense too. It’s much more than life or career ‘coaching’. It is a process of personal illumination. We will also have fun together too. We will work holistically with an array of skills including creative thinking, embodied intuition and transpersonal understanding (transpersonal means going ‘beyond’ the individual ‘I’ to a much larger sense). You will: